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Bishop Parker Catholic School And Nursery

“Be brave! Stand firm; for the Lord your God is with you.” Joshua 1:9

We learn together. We grow together. We celebrate together. We pray together.

Our Federation

Federation Vision, Aims and Values

The Bletchley Catholic Schools’ Federation seeks to uphold the educational mission of the Catholic Church where Christ is at the centre of all that we do. Our Mission is to bring children to know, love and serve God in their hearts and minds in their journey through life.

Our vision is to offer inspirational schools where all love to work, learn and grow in confidence, independence and resilience with a social conscious to thrive in an increasingly complex and changing world. Our ultimate goal is for all pupils to achieve their full potential and to be safe and happy – today and always.

We seek to:

· Learning;provide the very best learning delivered by inspirational teachers who are recruited, developed and trained to deliver their best everyday for our children. Also to provide a curriculum that is broad, balanced, relevant and sequenced to meet the needs of all of the pupils. Create purposeful environments in which each child is encouraged to develop an enquiring mind, a life-long love of learning and take greater responsibility for their own learning as they grow up and move up through each school.
· Personal development;encourage each child to believe that their personal, unique abilities can be developed through dedication and effort. Further encourage all to aspire to good moral behaviour and guide them towards maturity; enabling each child to become a caring, responsible, active member of the community inside and outside school.

·Parents;support parents in the education and faith formation of their children. Recognise and value parents as their children’s first educators and main ongoing learning supporters.

·School Community; where care and support is available in abundance for each and every child to enable them to fulfil their full potential; spiritually, morally, socially and academically. And where everyone is clear of their role in maintaining the strong Catholic ethos and explicitly encourages a genuine respect for one another and where children feel always safe and happy.

·Catholic Community; be of service to the parish and form productive learning links between our school communities, local parish communities and wider Catholic schools and Dioceses communities

The values that we cherish and nurture enable pupils to develop some very special characteristics and qualities:

Values promoted:

and the pupil characteristics and qualities that ensue:

Faithfulness & Integrity

High self worth and confidence

Dignity & Compassion


Humility & Gentleness


Truth & Justice


Forgiveness & Mercy


Purity & Holiness


Tolerance & Peace






Our 6 Key Pillars
‘Christ at the Centre’integrates Gospel Values and the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church into every aspect of teaching and learning and our school life.

Catholic Life

Quality Education

  • All staff promote the mission of making Christ known to all.
  • Manifest a strong Catholic ethos which is evident and open to experience by all who enter the school.
  • Provide a religious education which comprehensively and systematically studies the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the lives of the Saints and the relationship between faith and life
  • Express the life of faith in acts of religion, through personal and liturgical prayer. Encourage pupils to pray voluntarily and spontaneously.
  • Achieve best possible learning outcomes with a keen focus on reading and writing development skills
  • Deliver an inspirational curriculum and ensure that pupil embeds key concepts into long term memory and apply and use them fluently
  • Ensure excellent teaching provision through quality first teaching and high impact support and guidance
  • Prepare pupils for lifelong learning in a continuously changing world
  • Close any learning gaps for significant pupil groups
  • Equip pupils with the values, characteristics and qualities to succeed in life – cultural capital

Personal Development and Welfare


  • All children take an active role in their own learning and progression.
  • All children have a growth mindset, resilience and perseverance to ensure self belief for success.
  • Expand pupil talents and interests through first hand experiences and extracurricular activities
  • Listen to the pupil voice leading to school improvement. Develop pupil leadership skills.
  • Help pupils keep themselves and others safe and know how to live healthy and active lifestyles
  • Safeguard pupils’ mental health, cater for medical needs and protect pupils from any harm
  • Make sure pupils have great attitudes, exemplary behaviour for learning and attend regularly
  • Develop leadership capacity by expanding middle leadership across the revised curriculum
  • Thorough self-evaluation processes leading to objective and accurate diagnosis of school improvement needs and planned remedial priorities
  • Recruit, develop, train and maintain an inspirational staff with effective performance management and continuous professional development
  • Develop ever stronger links between the two schools in the federation whilst preserving their identities
  • Maintain strong governance with clarity of vision and direction, robust accountability systems and ensure value for money
  • Support the most vulnerable with early intervention, pastoral care and effective safeguarding practice



  • Provide excellent infrastructure and equipment and deliver efficient resource management.
  • Buildings and grounds are maintained, refurbished and renewed to ensure they are accessible, safe, secure, fit for purpose and of good appearance.
  • Equipment and all physical resources are of the required quantity and quality, and these are well used, maintained and renewed as necessary.
  • Maximum funding is secured and is efficiently allocated under effective financial controls
  • Encourage both schools to engage with the parish community
  • Help parents support their children’s learning in the most helpful way possible.
  • Optimise opportunities from our networks by good communications and productive partnerships. Especially St Paul’s School and the MK Primary Catholic School Cluster and links within the diocese.
  • Support gift giving and good causes
  • Celebrate the rich and diverse cultures and achievements of our global families with equality


