2022-2023 Leavers
Year 6
A Visit to Our Local Church
On Friday, Year 6 visited our local church and attended mass with the community!
Did Someone Say Snake?
The Year 6's were fortunate enough to spend some time with Rocky the snake!
An Interview with Friar Laurence, Juliet's Nurse and Lord Montague
Our reporters were lucky to snag an interview with some key witnesses following the tragic death of Romeo and Juliet.
Enjoying Our Outdoor Space
A big thank you to the Bishop Parker Friends for our sponsoring our outdoor learning area. The Year 6's have enjoyed editing their English work in the sunshine!

Over and Above!
One of our Year 6 learners have gone over and above by creating a 3D model of the heart!

We are Artists!
This week, Year 6 have been drawing with charcoal in preparation for our Tudor portraits next week!
Serious Science
While learning about the circulatory system and the different components thereof, Year 6 investigated the rate of blood flow through healthy and unhealthy blood vessels.
Squared and Cubed Numbers!
Year 6 enjoyed a practical maths lesson where we spent time exploring which numbers were a product of squared or cubed numbers.

We are Artists!
To support our learning in art where we are creating Tudor portraits, the children have been learning to draw features of a face, such as an eye.

Year 5 - St Cassian's Residential
Year 5 recently visited St Cassian's for a residential retreat. The children loved taking part in the different reflective activities as well as enjoying the outdoors, taking part in teambuilding and having a campfire.