2023-2024 Leavers
Past Photos
Year 5
We are Scientists!
In our science lessons we have been investigating different forces. This week we have been learning about the water resistance. We were able to link our learning to our first swimming lesson and how we were able to feel the force pushing against us. We have then been able to design and create boats to show our understanding of this force. We had to understand the key vocabulary word streamlined this week to investigate the impact.

Our RE Rejoice
In our RE lesson this week we had the time to reflect and respond on our learning. We have been learning about the topic 'Ourselves'. The big questions we have been thinking about was 'what makes us unique?'. The children have enjoyed the opportunity to take part in their first rejoice session of Year 5, where they had to decorate their tables to create a prayerful space for their group and write a prayer.

Our Concrete Maths!
In order to understand numbers up to a million the children had to build their numbers out of different concrete resources. These children were working on the investigation table with place value counters. The children enjoyed the opportunity to make their numbers, this supported their place value learning.

Year 4 - Jubilee Tea Party
Year 4 held a tea party in class to celebrate the Queen's platinum jubilee. We had a lovely time celebrating as a class community.