At Bishop Parker, we want children to immerse themselves in different sports and are focused on building their fundamental skills and specific knoweldge in a range of sports. Within a sport unit, teachers will follow the unit sequence which will ensure that the children’s skills are built on using GetSet4PE.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, the main PE focus is on experimenting and gaining control of their fundamental movement skills, which include running, jumping, throwing and catching. In addition, they will also develop their skills of agility, balance and coordination (both individually and with others). In the Early Years Foundation Stage their PE learning is part of their continuous provision to develop their fine and gross motor skills. In Year 1 and Year 2 the children begin their formal PE lessons twice a week. In these lessons the children work on key movements and begin to link this with different sports throughout the year to improve their confidence in their physical skills.
In Key Stage 2, we aim to apply their basic movements in a range of sport contexts, refining and combining their skills as they progress. We want all children to have the opportunity to engage in competitive and collaborative activities where they can apply their teamwork and PE skills. The children will take part in different sports and be able to develop and employ their gained skills throughout the lessons. The children will also have the opportunity in Key Stage 2 to participate in different sporting events including: Athletics, Cross Country, Football, Netball. In Year 5 the children will participate in weekly swimming lessons to develop their confidence in the water.
The PE lesson structure will follow this sequence:
- Warm up
- Introduce a skill
- Practice a skill
- Apply a skill
- Cool down