Year 2
Welcome to Year 2!
Past Photos
Year 1
Saint John Bosco Art
We celebrated the feast day of our patron saint, St John Bosco. On the day we had a lovely mass as a whole school community, a lesson on St John Bosco, feasting on juice and biscuits for feast day and we created some beautiful art work.

Science Experiments
Year 1 have very much enjoyed practical lessons in Science. We have worked hard to cooperate with each other, observe closely and make some simple predictions.
Year R
Loose Parts
We have been using large loose parts in our outside area to create some wonderful vehicles and buildings. The children have also been using smaller loose parts inside the classroom to make their own pictures. Great work!

We're Going on a Bear Hunt
One of the stories we have been learning about is "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" The children have loved joining in with repeated phrases whilst reading the story. Mrs Sikora took the children around the local area on their own bear hunt. The bear was found hiding at the park! The children were so excited to find the bear and enjoyed playing in the park afterwards too.

Christmas Production
The children worked hard to learn new songs and dances for the Christmas play. Everyone enjoyed dressing up in their costumes and performing for the older children and parents.

Fun in the snow
The children were very excited to see snow outside! Everyone put on their gloves, hats, scarves and coats before heading outside to play in the snow. Some children rode on a sledge.

Terrific Tales
In English, we have been using our topic 'Terrific Tales' to learn lots of different classic stories. Using puppets, story maps and acting, the children are able to retell the stories in their own words. This helps them to understand that stories are made of a beginning, middle and end as well as introducing vocabulary such as author, title and setting - all essential skills for when they start to write their own stories.

Super Phonics!
The children have wowed us all with their amazing phonics this week. We have been so impressed with their excellent sounding, blending and writing. Well done to them all for working so hard and trying their best.

A Slithery Visitor!
As part of our topic, we have been talking about our pets. Mrs Hamilton brought in her pet snake, Rocky to meet the children. The children loved meeting Rocky and asked some fantastic questions.

A Special Visitor
As part of our topic this term we have thinking about people who help us. We were very, very lucky to be visited by a real paramedic and she even bought her ambulance along to show us! The children loved having a look around inside in the ambulance and asked some fantastic questions. One lucky child even got to sit in the front and put the sirens on!

A very noisy siren!

Making Friends
Building positive relationships is an incredibly important part of our learning in Year R. We help the children to play cooperatively, take turns, listen to one another and use positive language to express their needs. It has been wonderful to see such lovely friendships being formed.

Chop Chop

Our First Week
We had a wonderful first week in Year R! The children have settled in beautifully and we are incredibly proud of how well they have adapted.
The children have had lots of fun exploring our environment whilst we establish the rules and routines of our class and school and all get to know one another.
Our topic this term is ‘All About Me’. We have been learning about each others likes and dislikes, who is in our family and what jobs they would like to do when they grow up. This children’s challenges this week have been to draw a self portrait, practice writing their name and to learn a poem. Ask your child to recite ‘Chop, Chop’, they are all fantastic at it!