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Bishop Parker Catholic School And Nursery

“Be brave! Stand firm; for the Lord your God is with you.” Joshua 1:9

We learn together. We grow together. We celebrate together. We pray together.

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Past Photos

Year 2

Beebot Fun!

We have now completed our first programming topic in computing and this has been lots of fun. We made our own maps for the Beebots to follow and gave them instructions to arrive at a destination on our maps. We even put all our maps together to make a huge world to program our Beebots around like a real video game. This was actually an idea that came from the children themselves! Future programmers in the making! 

Fire Fire! 

Year 2 had some exciting visitors when some Firemen from Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue came and talked to the children about their jobs and showed the children their equipment and even the fire engine. The children had a close look in particular at the hoses and helmets and even had a competition to see which teacher could put on the firefighter uniform the quickest! We had such a wonderful morning and were amazed by how loud the siren was when the fire engine said goodbye! 

The Great Fire of London

The children revisited lots of their wonderful history learning so far from this half term all about the Great Fire of London. We discussed why the fire spread so quickly while reenacting the fire using the amazing models we made earlier on this half term. We also learnt and sang some songs about this topic including 'London's Burning'. 

Super Place Value

In maths, we have been starting off Year 2 with place value. We have been able to partition 2 digit numbers into tens and ones and show this in lots of different ways. 

There's a Tiger in the Garden

We had a fun lesson working in pairs to act out and freeze frame our class story 'There's a Tiger in the Garden'! The children used their wonderful acting and expressions to retell the story and had great fun doing so. They could retell the story wonderfully after this lesson! 
